Saturday, December 29, 2012

OUTPOST: Black Sun dvd review

    A Nazi zombie movie? No brainer , right!? NOYES! Another cool ass dvd cover that sucked me into choosing it and it is a sequel of sorts to a movie called THE OUTPOST , which I own , and I like OUTPOST , but OUTPOST:Black Sun is not the gorefest I am solemnly searching for. It has some good things about it , it looks good , looks like a movie that could come out in the theater and there are some good nightime action scenes , and the zombies look cool  , but it's just missing something that would make it a really good film. The gore , for one. There is really no gore or any cool efx , and the story isn't very good , in fact it's kind of hard to follow so I didn't really care. Even a simple easy to follow story would have been okay.
    DEAD SNOW was classic compared to this and SHOCKWAVES is the greatest Nazi zombie movie ever made and that one has NO GORE and it was really good. In the end all OUTPOST: Black Sun had potential but failed which makes it even worse and all it gave was a cool dvd cover. *arty

Friday, December 28, 2012

girl tied up!

    Another dvd I grabbed impulsively on site of the dvd cover , a cover that has nothing to do with the movie save for the fact that it is in a junkyard. There is no cute blond in bondage all bloody and trussed up. NO! And there is virtually no gore in WRECKAGE. Nada , zilch , zero , ZIP! It did not totally suck , I thought the acting was okay ; there is one guy in it that plays a junkyard worker and he was funny and made the movie better when he was onscreen but can't recommend in for him alone. I got that blueticket from Ballbuster so I can get movie after movie for the month of Dec/Jan so I didn't lose out money and the time spent watching it was okay , WRECKAGE wasn't that bad just not the fun , outlandish , gory exploitaton film I am gunning for. But when I find it I will write about it. *arty

girl in a box!

    I'm goin' dvd rentin' crazy with this blueticket blockbuster bullshit card!! I'm just grabbin' dvd's willy nilly and I grabbed CARGO. And once again I did not get the gorefest I was lookin' for. In fact there is no gore at all and only 1 killin'. CARGO though , is one of the better movie I have gotten from Blockbuster and just one of the better movies I have seen period. The cover made it look like a torture/porn , which is a subgenre name I don't like , but CARGO is closer to drama and could probably come out on the LIfetime channel.
    The story is a Russian gal comes to the U.S. to start a new life but is tricked into the sextrade and thrown into a van to be taken to New York. The driver is a swarthy Arab dude and the bulk of the movie is what happens between them. And that is what makes the movie good. I felt sorry for the girl and didn't totally hate the Arab guy and together they carry the movie and had me interested until the end. And there is a badguy that comes out in the beginning and the end and he was good and very hateable and very good in his small role.
    The dvd cover was very misleading and if I had known what the movie was about I would not have rented it but I did enjoy it but do not recommend it if you are like me and looking for the next PUNISHER:Warzone and RAMBO 4. But I did enjoy it for what it was. *arty 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


    And there are some good tits in this. 2 of the girls on the cover bare their boobs and I thought they were really nice , both chix are hot and their melons were of good size with dark nipples. They did not show them enough. Both girls show them twice each and I would of liked to see some ass too but they didn't show their dumpers.
    ZOMBIE STRIPPER APOCALYPSE is in the vein of MACHINE GIRL and ROBOGEISHA but is nowhere near as gory as those two , not even half! But I still enjoyed it and , yeah , because of the bazooms but also cos' of the english dubbing soundtrack. They just go crazy with the wacky comedy and say all kinds of fucked up shit and it actually made me laugh out loud a few times.
    And I read some reviews that slammed the zombie makeup ,( yeah there are zombies in this) , because they paint their faces grey or use some crappy halloween masks but the masks looked cool and worked for the movie.
    ZOMBIE STRIPPER APOCALYPSE was not the gorefest I was looking for , there was a little but not enough and most of the blood was cgi and that bummed me out but I saw some nice bongos on some hott Asian babes and that was cool and that was what I wanted to see and that's what I got. Got it from Block Buster. *arty  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

MADISON COUNTY DVD review: It's a horror movie!

I got this card for BLOCKBUSTER where for $17.00 I can get as many movies (one at a time , of course) as I can for 1 month. So this was the first one I got and I got it solely for the dvd cover. Not the one to the left. That one is badass but the oneBLOCKBUSTER had is pretty cool. I didn't have high hopes for MADISON COUNTY , I figured it'd be like one of those SYFY Saturday nite movies but once it started it looked like a film that could have come out in the theater. and the actors were decent even likeable so I can't easily dismiss MADISON COUNTY as a shitty , rotten , piece of garbage movie like some low budget films , BUT , the story is not that good. It is pretty basic which is not always a bad thing. A movie can have a simple premise and be fantastic but the story is so by the numbers and the execution is typical and it lacks atmosphere  and real scares. It is violent but not gory , which would have helped. So I can't recommend MADISON COUNTY but I think the film makers do have talent and the potential for a good movie is there and I think if they adapted one of Richard Laymons novels that they could do it justice if it was as well made as MADISON COUNTY and just followed the story of one of Laymons books as faithfully as they could. I think DARKNESS , TELL US or NO SANCTUARY would be good for them considering both are set way back in the woods and have psychotic killers in them. Lastly , I did like how that the pig headed psycho killer on the cover of the dvd is actually in the movie. Alot of these movies at BLOCKBUSTER have very misleading box art. Oh well , MADISON COUNTY could have been alot better but it was well made but was not the gorefest I was looking for. *arty

Friday, December 21, 2012

I want to hold your dirty hand.

The fuckin' BLACK LIPS , man. Goddamn. Every member of this band is a fucking goddamn degenerate fucking CUNT!!%# And I write this with no shame. They're foul mouthed , immature , they're immature. Each of them is a fuckin' child. They are like children. I mean , there is no god while THE BLACK LIPS walk the earth.
Look at these assholes!
    Just listen to this album , Let It Bloom. It sounds like it was recorded in the shit and piss stained bathroom of a Mexican whorehouse! The bastards are half retarded and can barely play their instruments on this cd. FUCK! And I can't stand the one with that mustache. And they keep the music of these rat bastards in the fuckin' library , can you believe that shit!?! Turns my stomach and they can drink a Korean girls piss but they'd probably like it and beg for more a write a song about it. They chant about doing drugs and feeling gay and all kinds of other lowlife behavior. Well fuck it , if these scumbags can come out on the Conan O'Brian show then tv has gone down the drain! How can a band suck this bad? I'm going to buy one more of their albums just to see if it's a jangly , incoherent , slimy , piece of garbage like this cd just so I can write about it. Goodbye. *arty

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Billy Idol had to have taken the title of his song from this movie. And the movie is pretty good. I got EYES WITHOUT A FACE from the library , and it is a good movie but I've seen so many extreme gore movies , along with so many other horror movies that EYES WITHOUT A FACE has lost it's shock value. But seeing it was a pleasant departure from all the modern horror I've seen lately and and it still has a strange atmosphere to it and it is from CRITERION so the dvd looks great!
    Watching it reminded me of ATOM AGE VAMPIRE which is not as artistic and revered as EYES...but is still alot of fun.
    So if you have not seen EYES WITHOUT A FACE wander on down to your local library and check it out. I'd even go as far to say that it is required viewing for any serious , anal retentive , movie watching.....nerd me. -arty 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


    I finally ordered the first BLACK LIPS cd and it is so much different than Arabia Mountain , which is the BLACK LIPS album I heard first. They are a different band really. The first album is primitive in every way and at first it sounded like a jumbled mess but I love the lo-fi sound and dingy garage sound they have and the vibe it creates. It goes by quickly and while I am still having trouble discerning songs I like it alot. And it sounds even better at nite and when I'm driving around real late at nite it makes me feel even more alone and has a eerie sound to it!
    From what I have read the BLACK LIPS didn't even use a producer until Arabia Mountain and even though I don't know anything about record production I do know I like the way it sounds better than hundreds of other albums I've head whether they be punk , metal, or hard rock.
    If you like punk, lo-fi garage, or rock n' roll , and you haven't heard of these guys yet you really should do yourself a favor and sample them cos' I think you will really like them. I also picked up Let It Bloom and will write something about that one and I hear BLACK LIPS put on a great live show and I really hope they make it to San Antonio someday soon!  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A few words on THE COLLECTION movie

    I really want to see a movie about the Spider-Man villains CARNAGE and VENOM locked in combat that has a lot of gore and is funny and  A HAUNT movie that is really gory too.
But till that happens I gotta get my gore fix from somewhere and this week I got it from THE COLLECTION. I just saw it a few days ago and I really dug it but I now realize that THE COLLECTOR is a better movie but THE COLLECTION was fun and outlandish with a few surprises and had alot of blood and guts and piles of limbs and bodies and bizarre body part sculptures and other weird stuff that I will not mention. And the main actor guy, Josh Stewart is a really sympathetic character and I liked him from the first movie, THE COLLECTOR, and felt for him and the predicament his family was in. There is something likeable about Stewart and I hope he does more genre films. And Navi Rawat is in it for like a minute and she is a smokin' hot babe and always nice to see.
    So if ya thought about seeing it , or if you have not even heard of THE COLLECTION and you wanted to go to the movies and see something entertaining THE COLLECTION will fit the bill.
Josh Stewart being vulnerable

Sunday, December 2, 2012


    I know. I find the concept as loathesome as you. But don't worry. I have never not enjoyed a book by Richard Laymon and I enjoyed BEWARE!, but it was a brutal read! BRUTAL! Laymon , may he rest in peace , has written books about monsters , groups of psycho killers , and books about  insane rapist murderers , but BEWARE! is about a insane rapist cannibal necrophilic INVISIBLE killer! Fuckin' nuts! And there is a cult of sex crazed blood drinkers led by a naked witch.
    What made it such a harrowing read is that Laymon seems to really know how to get into the mind of a sadistic maniac killer and it's scary because it makes me wonder how R. Laymon knows this stuff. But that is what makes his books so good and scary!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

MASTER - On The 7th Day God Cretaed Master

Innocents? Dying...? Lets talk! This album came out in 1991 and it still sounds great! It has that (what is now) oldschool vibe but still sounds kind of fresh and hasn't lost much of it's urgency or vitality. I think it truly straddles the line of brutal American Death Metal and classic 80's tooth chippin' thrash metal! The vocals of bassist Paul Speckmann are pretty clean by Death Metal standards and the production is phenomenal because it was recorded at Morrisound studios.
    It's got 10 trax in about 35 minutes and like Demolitiion Hammers - Tortured Existence , Solstices first album and Incubus - Beyond the Unknown , Master - On The 7th day.....has stood the test of time to become a classic of the genre. But like alot of Master this album is hard to get a hold of. Actually I guess it is one of the easier ones to obtain but expect to pay between $14.00 and $35.00 on amazon! I downloaded my copy from itunes cos' I had to have it but I read a review that Displeased records re-released it with a bonus dvd of 2 live shows!
    But I am glad I got it , I can throw it on almost anytime and enjoy it. And if you don't have it or never got it and do like the other bands I mentioned or Death/thrash in general or have any memories of ths album please leave a comment. *arty

Thursday, November 29, 2012

THE CABIN IN THE WOODS dvd review: Library edition

Dark age and the final massacre....and that pretty much sums up this movie. Yup. I'm the last person to see this movie and everyone said it was great so it had been built up a little bit so when I put it on I thought to myself it's probably not THAT good. But, it's pretty good. It's funny and the story is great and spins the genre around AND it has ALOT of monsters! That's what won me over is all the monsters There is a acceptable level of bloodshed , wish there was a little more gore but that is a minor gripe. And I got this from the library! I liked the two guys in the control room and the dragon bat , the werewolf, AND the merman!! Loved the merman! 
    But alot of people don't like this movie , alot love it , but some hate it. I'd like to know what you think about it so please leave a comment! *arty

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


    Just watched the SNOWTOWN MURDERS and I gotta say I was pretty underwhelmed. If you are a freak like me then you are probably fascinated by true crime books and movies. Of course HELTER SKELTER, and the harrowing classic HENRY:Portrait Of A Serial Killer , even BUNDY, ED GEIN, and GACY are pretty good and I have not see THE GIRL NEXT DOOR but I hear that is pretty good and Jim Van Bebbers THE MANSON FAMILY is great. So I expected something dark, brutal, and disturbingly violent and I didn't get that. The movie looks good it has a grey, dark, dingey, desolate look and all the actors look sad, beaten, and broken and the actor who plays the main killer comes off as a real asshole jerk but THE SNOWTOWN MURDERS is not violent, bloody, and gory and that would have made it so much better!
    So I looked it up on the imdb to see what other people thought about it and to see if I just wasn't getting it but there are alot of different complaints about THE SNOWTOWN MURDERS. People complained about the heavy Australian accents and that they show stuff that really doesn't have anything to do with the main story and it seemed disjointed but my favorite comment was one poster who said " I'm glad I didn't pay for this movie to have a kid stare at me for two hours." Which is not too far off the mark! That's kind of what the movie feels like. Another poster mentioned it's good to know a bit about the murders before you watch it and another poster said you shouldn't have to study up for a movie.
    I might watch it again , I got it from the library so it was free but I was dozing off towards the end. SO yeah. And I got THE CABIN IN THE WOODS from the library too , so looking forward to that. *arty

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SCALPED Book 9: Knuckle Up!

The Soundgarden song 'Spoonman' , has a line in it that goes "All my friends are indians , all my friends are brown and red." And I love all my red and brown brothers and sisters! And I love SCALPED! I hadn't read it in awhile but I got book 9 from the library and loved it like I love the previous 8! It's not zombies or vamps , or superheroes but I think it's one of the best comix comming out right now. 
    The first story in book 9 , Knuckle Up , really shoves it in your face how the settlers decimated the native American population. Did the scalphunters really use the skins of natives to make their saddles and reigns for their horses? We know they wiped 'em out we know that for sure. It covers a white father and son team who kill indians for money and how they helped kill off so many tribes , groups I've never even heard of.      Bloodlines and families utterly destroyed in the most vile fashions. I guess stuff like this still happens but 150 years ago no one cared. Anyway SCALPED s great! Action, adventure, mystery, intrigue and characters I care about like Dash Badhorse , and I even care about the badguys.
Dash Badhorse is a bad ass
The artwork of R.M. Guera is not only amazing but so perfect for SCALPED. When he doesn't do the art they usually get someone good but it's not the same without him and Jason Aaron is a good near great writer and just came up with a great idea for a comic and has continually delivered solid isssue after issue. And it seems like SCALPED is coming to a conclusion which would be fine and if SCALPED is never made into a movie or cable series that would be just fine. So many good books and alot of them from vertigo and you can get them at the library so no excuses! arty

Sunday, November 25, 2012


    I signed on because mankind is sinking with sin. CLAMFIGHT need to expose themselves and I will help expose them! CLAMFIGHT has been around awhile now toiling down among the deadmen , crafting big fat , diabetes inducing , but oh so tasty globs of Metal goodness. I was fortunate enough to get their cd , Vol. 1 , and a kick ass t-shirt as well. For some reason I assumed they played thrash but they don't , not really , they do have some speed to them but their sound is just pure heaviness for the most part and they do it well and they got a immense sound on the cd I got. The drummer , Andy ,  does the yelling , death roars , and singin' while Joe and Sean duke it out on guitar with a guy named Louis on bass. CLAMFIGHT hail from Haddon Heights , NJ. These guys are great and have a totally fuckin' badass name that leaps out at you. What do you think of when you hear CLAMFIGHT? 
   Check 'em out on their facebook and reverbnation pages , sample their stuff , especially if you like heavy shit cos' somehow they do it a little differently than most. And send them cash and porn and heap gold and praise upon them and whatever beverages they enjoy and demon hearts. CLAMFIGHT is a good band and I think most Metal fans would appreciate them. More CLAMFIGHT to come. *ARTY

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


    " I am carnage! I am death incarnate!" Would love to hear Bela say those lines! Hell , I'd love to hear Bela say " Dude , where's my car?" I was listening to Gilbert Gottfried on youtube doing his Dracula voice  and his Dracula voice is really good and it reminded me how awesome and wonderful Bela Lugosi was! So I noticed on this 50 horror pack I have that I have SCARED TO DEATH. Which I watched and it sucks but the parts with Bela are great! He is a fucking joy to watch and what the fuck happened to Belas career? How did he end up in Ed Wood movies at the end of his career? Not to bag on Ed Wood , I like his movies but Bela should have been in huge movies and died a millionaire. He should have worked with Hitchcock , and Orson Wells , and come out in better films he was great!
    Instead of SCARED TO DEATH. Which was his only color movie. I saw Tim Burtons Ed Wood but does anyone know what happened to his career? Was it him turning down frankenstein , or the drug addiction? I guess all of that shit combined. Anyway , Lugosi was spectacular , there is no one like him in movies today , or the last 25 years for that matter , but he is truly amazing and fun to watch on screen!
     So I been practicing my Dracula voice , and I'm not too shabby I think. But anyone could do it. Try it yourself , it's fun! And check out Gilbert Gottfrieds Dracula voice on youtube , and if anyone has any thoughts on Bela or your favorite movies of his , please leave a comment , I'd like to know. #arty

Sunday, November 18, 2012


CANNOT KILL THE FAMILY!! BATTERY is a bad-fuckin'-ass Metallica song and a cool name for a band that says , " Make no bones about it , we are METAL!" And the Denmark based BATTERY play some blood blister poppin' kick ass Thrash and you can download 5 songs for free from their facebook page and then you can burn it onto a disc , make a tape of it and pop it into your cars tape deck and drive around , (no drinking of course) while some Metal slut is blowing you! I might just put it on my phone and hit on Asian chicks!    But there is another band with the name of BATTERY and I hear they are a Metallica tribute band , and that's cool , that's cool , but I bet the the raw and furious Thrash band from Denmark are alot cooler to have a beer with!
    Even though I am legally forbidden to drink alcohol until Febuary 2013 , I bet BATTERY are a bunch of cool dudes to hang with and talk to about gore flix , music , and porn bitches as well! Look at their logo , they gotta be cool! They got a good sound , and play some hard and fast Metal and deserve a look , hell , download those songs all ready! *arty

Friday, November 16, 2012


  I read a post on the WALKING DEAD imdb pg that said Maggie ( I call her Maggs) should wear Loris (Whorri , I call her Whorri) , should wear Loris skin to make Rick happy! Man , that's funny! 5 episodes in and this season is all ready better than the first 2 in my expert opinion. It's great cos' at least once a week I am sure to get some good gore. They've K.I.A'ed so many undead fux all ready and the latest episode delivered some great zombi killz! That was great when Michonne detroyed those zombi cuntz! She cut one in half from shoulder to hip , stomped ones head like a tomato , and decapped that bitch like a samurai/ninja/commando!! And rick with the axe! It was great! Other than that I love Maggs , don't love Andrea and I wish Michonne would get her own spinoff show and comic. She's translated
You sexy bitch!
so well from comic book page to screen and I am all ready ready to put her up there with other female bad asses like Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley
. I like how out of place she looks in Woodbury and doesn't trust anyone.    And thanx to Robert Kirkman , the fat bastard deserves a super porn visit/session from Jasmine Byrne and Asa Akira for putting out such great comics.Fat bastard! I deserve a visit from at least Jasmine by the way. That's it. *arty
you sexy big eyed bitch zombi!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

HAUNT Trade #2:Comic Book Review

     An ex priest shacking up with and ass bangin' a hot ass blond ex hooker? Sounds like a new sitcom on FOX! Sign me up! Not really , but that is one of the cool things about the comic book HAUNT! Along with all the violence and gore and super cool design , look , and total badassery of the title character , HAUNT! Everyone loves THE WALKING DEAD , and I love it too , but in some ways HAUNT is better. For one , it is a super hero book , but it's different than your average super hero book in that HAUNT works with the government. And this book has a sense of humor where as THE WALKING DEAD has no humor. NONE!
     And HAUNT looks so cool , just as cool as VENOM & CARNAGE and I want my HAUNT t-shirt and poster and a toy and a video game and a movie that is just as gory as PUNISHER:WAR ZONE and RAMBO! And a HAUNT button.
This trade collects six issues , it's action packed and it was a great read and I can't wait till I get the next one and find out more about The APPARITION     And I cannot fail to mention the talents of penciller Greg Capullo , inker Jonathan Glapion , and colorist Fco Plasencia. These guys worked hard on this book and made Robert Kirkmans story even better. And Todd McFarlane helped out too. Really can't praise HAUNT enough , I read it slow to stretch it out and I want more. Get book one next time you go get your WALKING DEAD fix. *arty

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

HELL dvd review

    By the way....that Asa Akira is a babe. She should have been in this movie. She's probably going to hell for all the anal she's done. Anyway I'm a sucker for a cool dvd cover and I thought this had a cool cover when I first saw it at wal mart , then I was at blockbuster looking for JUICE and I saw this so I rented it.
    The film makers had to have seen THE ROAD, and loved it and wanted to make their own type of post apocalyptic film and they did , and they got a great look for HELL , really good , and a good feel for their movie ; it really looks desolate and after the end of the world but the story is nowhere near as bleak , depressing , engrossing , and downright fucking scary as the ROAD. The ROAD was fucking scary with those fucking cannibals! Fuck!
    HELL is about 4 people trying to survive and find drinking water in a world where the sun has gotten hotter and destroying most of the life on earth. And there are cannibals but it is not bloody or gory and there is very little violence.
    I'm a HUGE fan of the post apocalyptic genre , and the zombie genre , and these new post apocalyptic movies have become more low key and minimalist than the ones from the 80's and The ROAD along with BOOK OF ELI were great , and while HELL was well made it did not offer any thing to the genre. But I had to seen it since

Sunday, November 11, 2012


    Feel the fury nonbelievers! I'm sure you've heard the name of this band in your circle of Metal Madness. BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE. I've heard it to of course. I saw their cd 'Scream , Aim , Fire' at my local library and I didn't know anything about B.F.M.V, I thought they would be like My Chemical Romance , and that was just because they have the word MY in their name. Which is stupid but I figured I'd check it out , but I was hesitant because I didn't want to to put my Heavy Metal street cred in jeopardy by checking out a B.F.M.V cd from my local library. Again a stupid thing to think considering no one gives a shit! So I got it and I liked it and was surprised that B.F.M.V. is mostly thrash! Total Metal , it's fast , and they even have some Death vox!
    So , I don't fully understand why Metal Headz generally seem to dislike B.F.M.V. Maybe  it's jealousy since they've made it , they do world tours and they are probably making some good scratch but what I would be jealous of, hell , what I am jealous of is all the fine snatchgrass these guys are laying down on a nightly basis! These B.F.M.V. guys are bangin' broads all over the world! They'd gangbang your girlfriend and your sister if they could! That's the problem I have with BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE and their long hair and chiseled bodies and rock star status! You know they scored with that badass Metal chick with the long silky black hair , come hither smile and stare , in a black denim skirt. Or the cool cute little thrash chick that gets in the pit! They just kicked her sweet ass off the bus as I write these words! I can imagine what it would be like if you had a cute Metal chick as a girlfriend and she's kind of a slut and she's drunk and she gets on their tour bus! anyway , now I'm pissed off and don't know how to finish this blog! I still like their music since I got it all at the library for free. even got one of their shirts for a quarter at the Salvation Army. You should do the same! #arty

MONDO TRASHO! Movie review

 I've done a few nasty perverted things in my life. Not as many as I would have liked to do but as I am writing this I am watching MONDO TRASHO and I count that as being perverted! If you like all these wonderful , great , lovely movies like BLOOD FEAST , MUDHONEY , and shit like that and you are a HUGE John Waters addict/devotee then I think it is mandatory that you seek out MONDO TRASHO. I almost called my zine MONDO TRASHO! Maybe it will get a dvd release someday , maybe it won't but I'm viewing it here on youtube , and thanx to XTRONEX for uploading it! Much love and candy and oral sex n' drugz to you XTRONEX! There is no talking in MONDO TRASHO , there is audio , lots and lots of music from John Waters personal collection and I'm not surprised that John Waters and Martin Scorsese have the same musical tastes.    MONDO  TRASHO is not as good as PINK FLAMINGOS but it is not boring and as a fan of these movies I would love to have a special edition of MONDO TRASHO for my collection!    A FEW THOUGHTS WHILE I WAS WATCHING MONDO TRASHO:
    Waters or someone should remake MONDO TRASHO. John Waters should have made a zombie movie back in the 70's.
Can't hardly wait to see MULTIPLE MANIACS!
I need to brush my teeth.
57 minutes into this movie.
    Lastly I'm still stoked that I'm seeing this on youtube!! I thought I'd never see it and watching it makes me think of when I used to do drugs. I don't do illegal drugs any longer and in fact I am anti-drug these days. *arty