Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SCALPED Book 9: Knuckle Up!

The Soundgarden song 'Spoonman' , has a line in it that goes "All my friends are indians , all my friends are brown and red." And I love all my red and brown brothers and sisters! And I love SCALPED! I hadn't read it in awhile but I got book 9 from the library and loved it like I love the previous 8! It's not zombies or vamps , or superheroes but I think it's one of the best comix comming out right now. 
    The first story in book 9 , Knuckle Up , really shoves it in your face how the settlers decimated the native American population. Did the scalphunters really use the skins of natives to make their saddles and reigns for their horses? We know they wiped 'em out we know that for sure. It covers a white father and son team who kill indians for money and how they helped kill off so many tribes , groups I've never even heard of.      Bloodlines and families utterly destroyed in the most vile fashions. I guess stuff like this still happens but 150 years ago no one cared. Anyway SCALPED s great! Action, adventure, mystery, intrigue and characters I care about like Dash Badhorse , and I even care about the badguys.
Dash Badhorse is a bad ass
The artwork of R.M. Guera is not only amazing but so perfect for SCALPED. When he doesn't do the art they usually get someone good but it's not the same without him and Jason Aaron is a good near great writer and just came up with a great idea for a comic and has continually delivered solid isssue after issue. And it seems like SCALPED is coming to a conclusion which would be fine and if SCALPED is never made into a movie or cable series that would be just fine. So many good books and alot of them from vertigo and you can get them at the library so no excuses! arty

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