Wednesday, November 28, 2012


    Just watched the SNOWTOWN MURDERS and I gotta say I was pretty underwhelmed. If you are a freak like me then you are probably fascinated by true crime books and movies. Of course HELTER SKELTER, and the harrowing classic HENRY:Portrait Of A Serial Killer , even BUNDY, ED GEIN, and GACY are pretty good and I have not see THE GIRL NEXT DOOR but I hear that is pretty good and Jim Van Bebbers THE MANSON FAMILY is great. So I expected something dark, brutal, and disturbingly violent and I didn't get that. The movie looks good it has a grey, dark, dingey, desolate look and all the actors look sad, beaten, and broken and the actor who plays the main killer comes off as a real asshole jerk but THE SNOWTOWN MURDERS is not violent, bloody, and gory and that would have made it so much better!
    So I looked it up on the imdb to see what other people thought about it and to see if I just wasn't getting it but there are alot of different complaints about THE SNOWTOWN MURDERS. People complained about the heavy Australian accents and that they show stuff that really doesn't have anything to do with the main story and it seemed disjointed but my favorite comment was one poster who said " I'm glad I didn't pay for this movie to have a kid stare at me for two hours." Which is not too far off the mark! That's kind of what the movie feels like. Another poster mentioned it's good to know a bit about the murders before you watch it and another poster said you shouldn't have to study up for a movie.
    I might watch it again , I got it from the library so it was free but I was dozing off towards the end. SO yeah. And I got THE CABIN IN THE WOODS from the library too , so looking forward to that. *arty


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