Monday, November 5, 2012

BLOOD SHACK DVD: It's a little place.....A review

    We got Dracula , The Marx Brothers , the 3 Stooges , and Ray Dennis Steckler gives us BLOOD SHACK aka THE CHOOPER. But we love RDS , we love and miss him. No Bull. I saw BLOOD SHACK today on youtube , have you seen BLOOD SHACK , I saw BLOOD SHACK , so , yeah. BLOOD SHACK is bad and it's boring but it was made in 1979 so it still has that charm that low budget horror from the 70's movies have that cannot be re-created today. Super low budget movies today will usually always look and sound the same and BLOOD SHACK at least has a look ,because RDS could shoot a movie , he knew how to film and new stuff and the first moments of BLOOD SHACK really creates some dreamy cold atmosphere which is torn the fuck apart once we jump into the scene of the blond chick who wants to spend the night in the BLOOD SHACK and confront the CHOOPER.        One of the 3 characters is a rail thin dude named Daniel who has some great scenes , and even the 2 kids are funny and BLOOD SHACK is 55 minutes , not even a hour and I saw it on youtube so I didn't have to buy it even though I kinda wanted to just because of the dvd cover , which has NOTHING to do with the movie!So now I don't have to buy it.
    BUT WAIT! I checked on the dvd on amazon and with shipping it's not even $5.00 AND it comes with 2 versions of the movie AND comedic commentary by JOE BOB BRIGGS! I think I gotta here that.
Thanks to Ray Dennis Steckler for making these movies and it's a shame e didn't make one more movie in modern times for us. I would watch it. It would be better than Transformers 3 that's for sure. To you Ray!*arty

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