Sunday, November 18, 2012


CANNOT KILL THE FAMILY!! BATTERY is a bad-fuckin'-ass Metallica song and a cool name for a band that says , " Make no bones about it , we are METAL!" And the Denmark based BATTERY play some blood blister poppin' kick ass Thrash and you can download 5 songs for free from their facebook page and then you can burn it onto a disc , make a tape of it and pop it into your cars tape deck and drive around , (no drinking of course) while some Metal slut is blowing you! I might just put it on my phone and hit on Asian chicks!    But there is another band with the name of BATTERY and I hear they are a Metallica tribute band , and that's cool , that's cool , but I bet the the raw and furious Thrash band from Denmark are alot cooler to have a beer with!
    Even though I am legally forbidden to drink alcohol until Febuary 2013 , I bet BATTERY are a bunch of cool dudes to hang with and talk to about gore flix , music , and porn bitches as well! Look at their logo , they gotta be cool! They got a good sound , and play some hard and fast Metal and deserve a look , hell , download those songs all ready! *arty

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