Friday, November 16, 2012


  I read a post on the WALKING DEAD imdb pg that said Maggie ( I call her Maggs) should wear Loris (Whorri , I call her Whorri) , should wear Loris skin to make Rick happy! Man , that's funny! 5 episodes in and this season is all ready better than the first 2 in my expert opinion. It's great cos' at least once a week I am sure to get some good gore. They've K.I.A'ed so many undead fux all ready and the latest episode delivered some great zombi killz! That was great when Michonne detroyed those zombi cuntz! She cut one in half from shoulder to hip , stomped ones head like a tomato , and decapped that bitch like a samurai/ninja/commando!! And rick with the axe! It was great! Other than that I love Maggs , don't love Andrea and I wish Michonne would get her own spinoff show and comic. She's translated
You sexy bitch!
so well from comic book page to screen and I am all ready ready to put her up there with other female bad asses like Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley
. I like how out of place she looks in Woodbury and doesn't trust anyone.    And thanx to Robert Kirkman , the fat bastard deserves a super porn visit/session from Jasmine Byrne and Asa Akira for putting out such great comics.Fat bastard! I deserve a visit from at least Jasmine by the way. That's it. *arty
you sexy big eyed bitch zombi!

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