Friday, November 9, 2012

ROY ORBISON: The Man With The Voice!

I just got a wild porcupine quill up my nose and was listening to some good ol' Roy Orbison on the way to my horrible job , MY GOD, this man has one of the best , greatest , most wonderful voices in the history of Rock N' roll!!!! I knew this all ready , I'm sure you knew this too , but I don't listen to him all that often and I don't know why?! Oh yeah , I'm a stupid asshole , that's why , but what is your excuse? Your not a stupid asshole , so you must have another reason. " I don't have any Orbison in my musical collection?" you say? Well , that aint much of an excuse either , just tread on down to your local library and request it from the librarian. They love it when you do that.
    And Roys so great! I been listening to him in the morning but he's even better at night! His voice just rips your heart out and leaves you sad , lonely , and blue , just like girls do to us guys , those heartless evil witches!! Roy knows , he knows , so he helps us through the reminding you how sad you are!
    Roys dead now. But I think he truly does come through and live through his music , more than Elvis , John Lennon , or Billy Holiday and I like Billy! So I hope you listen to some Roy today , he's so great and will help clean out some of the crap out of your daily life. I'm gonna go listen to some of his songs right now! *arty 

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