Sunday, November 11, 2012

MONDO TRASHO! Movie review

 I've done a few nasty perverted things in my life. Not as many as I would have liked to do but as I am writing this I am watching MONDO TRASHO and I count that as being perverted! If you like all these wonderful , great , lovely movies like BLOOD FEAST , MUDHONEY , and shit like that and you are a HUGE John Waters addict/devotee then I think it is mandatory that you seek out MONDO TRASHO. I almost called my zine MONDO TRASHO! Maybe it will get a dvd release someday , maybe it won't but I'm viewing it here on youtube , and thanx to XTRONEX for uploading it! Much love and candy and oral sex n' drugz to you XTRONEX! There is no talking in MONDO TRASHO , there is audio , lots and lots of music from John Waters personal collection and I'm not surprised that John Waters and Martin Scorsese have the same musical tastes.    MONDO  TRASHO is not as good as PINK FLAMINGOS but it is not boring and as a fan of these movies I would love to have a special edition of MONDO TRASHO for my collection!    A FEW THOUGHTS WHILE I WAS WATCHING MONDO TRASHO:
    Waters or someone should remake MONDO TRASHO. John Waters should have made a zombie movie back in the 70's.
Can't hardly wait to see MULTIPLE MANIACS!
I need to brush my teeth.
57 minutes into this movie.
    Lastly I'm still stoked that I'm seeing this on youtube!! I thought I'd never see it and watching it makes me think of when I used to do drugs. I don't do illegal drugs any longer and in fact I am anti-drug these days. *arty 

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