Thursday, November 29, 2012

THE CABIN IN THE WOODS dvd review: Library edition

Dark age and the final massacre....and that pretty much sums up this movie. Yup. I'm the last person to see this movie and everyone said it was great so it had been built up a little bit so when I put it on I thought to myself it's probably not THAT good. But, it's pretty good. It's funny and the story is great and spins the genre around AND it has ALOT of monsters! That's what won me over is all the monsters There is a acceptable level of bloodshed , wish there was a little more gore but that is a minor gripe. And I got this from the library! I liked the two guys in the control room and the dragon bat , the werewolf, AND the merman!! Loved the merman! 
    But alot of people don't like this movie , alot love it , but some hate it. I'd like to know what you think about it so please leave a comment! *arty

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