Saturday, November 3, 2012

LASER BLAST! It's No Star Wars!

I'm reading TRANSMETROPOLITAN and in this comic the main character has a weapon called a bowel disruptor. A gun that gives you explosive diarhea! That would be alot cooler than a chintzy old star trek phaser or even a storm troopers blaster. I mean , yeah a lazer gun would be cool but a gun that would make someone shit like a ass canon would be totally righteous! 
this is the cover I rented
Eddie Deezen
    I actually got LASER BLAST years ago from Blockbuster and I thought it was okay , not too terrible but I saw it with the MST3K treatment and have watched it several times and it climbed onto my favorite top 10 list. Alot of people dom't like this movie but I don't think they've seen it with the MST3K commentary. Mike n' the bots really lay into and make fun of the fact that it's set in the 70's and make some weed jokes , some of which are directed at Mike ,  and the kid that finds the lazer who kind of looks like Mark Hamil , and LASER BLAST also has Cheryl 'Rainbeaux' Smith , who was in THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN , and Eddie Deezen! Who doesn't know and love Eddie deezen!?! Who is a bully in this movie!?! Plus this movie has some great stop motion and the guy who finds the lazer starts to turn into a creature the more he uses the lazer , and as I'm writing all this down , how can anyone into these kinds of movies not like LASER BLAST? The kid blows all kinds of shit up in firery explosions. And Charles Band had a hand in this , that's why it is under the FULL MOON banner , but don't let that deter you.
    So it's a good episode but it's a decent movie in it's own off beat weird way and on amazon they have the dvd for between $15.00 and $20.00 , which is too high a price to pay now that I think about it , but you can see the MST3K version on youtube. and once you see it with the MST3K treatment it might be hard to see it without it.
        So if you have seen LASER BLAST , I'd like to know your thoughts on it , or at least let me know you read this blog. I'm not getting across how good it was for me and how funny the bots are in this one. Bowel Disruptor! -arty

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