Tuesday, November 20, 2012


    " I am carnage! I am death incarnate!" Would love to hear Bela say those lines! Hell , I'd love to hear Bela say " Dude , where's my car?" I was listening to Gilbert Gottfried on youtube doing his Dracula voice  and his Dracula voice is really good and it reminded me how awesome and wonderful Bela Lugosi was! So I noticed on this 50 horror pack I have that I have SCARED TO DEATH. Which I watched and it sucks but the parts with Bela are great! He is a fucking joy to watch and what the fuck happened to Belas career? How did he end up in Ed Wood movies at the end of his career? Not to bag on Ed Wood , I like his movies but Bela should have been in huge movies and died a millionaire. He should have worked with Hitchcock , and Orson Wells , and come out in better films he was great!
    Instead of SCARED TO DEATH. Which was his only color movie. I saw Tim Burtons Ed Wood but does anyone know what happened to his career? Was it him turning down frankenstein , or the drug addiction? I guess all of that shit combined. Anyway , Lugosi was spectacular , there is no one like him in movies today , or the last 25 years for that matter , but he is truly amazing and fun to watch on screen!
     So I been practicing my Dracula voice , and I'm not too shabby I think. But anyone could do it. Try it yourself , it's fun! And check out Gilbert Gottfrieds Dracula voice on youtube , and if anyone has any thoughts on Bela or your favorite movies of his , please leave a comment , I'd like to know. #arty

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