Wednesday, December 19, 2012


    I finally ordered the first BLACK LIPS cd and it is so much different than Arabia Mountain , which is the BLACK LIPS album I heard first. They are a different band really. The first album is primitive in every way and at first it sounded like a jumbled mess but I love the lo-fi sound and dingy garage sound they have and the vibe it creates. It goes by quickly and while I am still having trouble discerning songs I like it alot. And it sounds even better at nite and when I'm driving around real late at nite it makes me feel even more alone and has a eerie sound to it!
    From what I have read the BLACK LIPS didn't even use a producer until Arabia Mountain and even though I don't know anything about record production I do know I like the way it sounds better than hundreds of other albums I've head whether they be punk , metal, or hard rock.
    If you like punk, lo-fi garage, or rock n' roll , and you haven't heard of these guys yet you really should do yourself a favor and sample them cos' I think you will really like them. I also picked up Let It Bloom and will write something about that one and I hear BLACK LIPS put on a great live show and I really hope they make it to San Antonio someday soon!  

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