Saturday, December 29, 2012

OUTPOST: Black Sun dvd review

    A Nazi zombie movie? No brainer , right!? NOYES! Another cool ass dvd cover that sucked me into choosing it and it is a sequel of sorts to a movie called THE OUTPOST , which I own , and I like OUTPOST , but OUTPOST:Black Sun is not the gorefest I am solemnly searching for. It has some good things about it , it looks good , looks like a movie that could come out in the theater and there are some good nightime action scenes , and the zombies look cool  , but it's just missing something that would make it a really good film. The gore , for one. There is really no gore or any cool efx , and the story isn't very good , in fact it's kind of hard to follow so I didn't really care. Even a simple easy to follow story would have been okay.
    DEAD SNOW was classic compared to this and SHOCKWAVES is the greatest Nazi zombie movie ever made and that one has NO GORE and it was really good. In the end all OUTPOST: Black Sun had potential but failed which makes it even worse and all it gave was a cool dvd cover. *arty

1 comment:

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