Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Cadaver Christmas movie review

    Man , the dvd cover for this one is so cool! Looks like from the same artist as HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN , and it is a zombie movie and it has those scratchy lines on the screen like PLANET TERROR and I'm pretty sure it's dubbed , and it sucks! Kind of. Not totally but A CADAVER CHRISTMAS fell short and was not the gorefeast I was looking for. It does have a good wannabe oldschool horror movie vibe to it and there were some really cool parts but there really isn't that much gore in it and the gore that it does have was really stupid. I can suspend my disbelief and forgive alot of stuff but stabbing someone with a christmas tree? C'mon! Even a zombie would not be soft enough to be skewered by a christmas tree! And there is other stuff like that in here. BUt the part wear the girl turns into a zombie and her eyes change color real fast was cool and when they smash the TV on her head , that was cool too! There is another part where a group of zombies are rushing down a dark hallway and that actually looked kind of creepy and having the nerdy janitor as the hero was a nod to Ash of Evil Dead......but no good gore! ANother thing was that even though A CADAVER CHRISTMAS was only 85 minutes , it seemed like a solid 2 hours. There is alot of talking in this that just goes on and on and on and on and on......FUCK! 
    But for the look and feel of it and how much they tried I can recommend it to you if you are a super horror fan like me , and I will look forward to the next feature the director of  A CADAVER CHRISTMAS makes. *arty

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