Wednesday, January 23, 2013


     Osama Bin Ladin is a zombie! I saw this movie on the shelf at Ballbuster and had to get it. But with so many zombie flix pouring onto  the horror scene like black blood from the eyesockets , mouth , and nostrils of a undead evil priest , I guess it was inevitable they would make a movie like this. Troma really missed the bus on this one didn't they?   But it's  not the grade B schlockfest I thought it could have been but for what it is it's still decent. They kill a fuckload of zombies and even though pretty much all of the zombie headhits , bodyhits , and full zombie explosions are done with cgi they didn't bother me that much cos' they looked pretty good for the most part. But you only see Bin Ladin in the very beginning and the very end and at the end he looks pretty freaky , scary , gross , and I could tell they used a animatronic puppet for his final scene. 
    So on one hand OSOMBIE is a competent action/zombie flick , and it does have some good humorous moments but it doesn't go for the throat with the Osama as a zombie thing or make fun of terrorists like you think it would. But if you like these movies you kind of have to see it just to say you saw it and confirm your own thoughts on it. I wish it woulda been like EVIL DEAD 2 , ZOMBIE 3 , or as offensive as STREET TRASH! What do you want out of a movie called OSOMBIE? *arty


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