Tuesday, January 8, 2013


    Really bad movie title but THE DAY was pretty darn good! I mean , yeah , it pales in comparison to BOOK OF ELI (a good film) , and THE ROAD (a great film) but THE DAY was a good action flick set in a dystopian world with a truckload of kills ; some of them pretty brutal , and lots of cgi blood. There was practical efx blood too , but the cgi blood did not bother me as much as it usually does. even some good acting from Dom Monaghan from L.O.T.R and the guy who played Iceman in the X-MEN movies , and especially from Ashley Bell , the gal from THE LAST EXORCISM. I did not know it was her at first but she kicks ass in this movie and made me believe that she knows how to shoot guns like Annie Oakley , throw knives as good as Beatrix Kiddo , and throwdown some fisticuffs like Manny Paciaou. Okay , maybe not like Manny but you know what I'm sayin'.
    And on top of that the movie had a bleak de-saturated gray tone to it that gave it some atmosphere and showed that the director was trying to give the film some identity and artistic merit which is great. If you wanna see a decent action movie then THE DAY could be that movie. *arty

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