Friday, January 4, 2013

SILENT NIGHT dvd movie review

    I like the new SILENT NIGHT better than the original. I always thought the original was badly acted and just a cash in on the holiday horror theme. And I don't think it was that suspenseful or even that gory or bloody. For me the 2012 SILENT NIGHT was alot more fun and finally it was the gorefest I was looking for. It went straight to dvd but it looks like it should have been in the theater. Pro all the way and a good cast too! Malcolm McDowell , Donal Logue , Jaimie King , and the yummy Ellen Wong! Ellen Wong was Knives from SCOTT PILGRIM! She is one cute piece of ass and was the deciding factor in me picking this flick! But can't forgot that other piece of fine ass Jaimie King! Did you see her in SIN CITY!? Or the SPIRIT? Those or the only 2 movies I've seen Jaimie in and they make her look like a goddamned goddess in those 2 movies and now I've seen what she looks like as a normal human being!
Death By Sexy!
 Anyway , in the first few minutes of SILENT NIGHT evil Santa stunguns a little girl and them skewers her with a fireplace poker! That set the tone of the movie for me and I enjoyed it. It even had a decent sleaze factor and some boobs , and bad behavior , which Santa has to punish and he does it in gory ways , Hell , he even uses a flamethrower!
    So far SILENT NIGHT is the best movie I've rented from blockbuster because it satisfied my need for gore and I was tired when I watched it after a 12 hour work day and it perked me up and entertained me so I can wholeheartedly tell you to check it out or catch it the tube if it's on or even buy it if you can find it for less than ten bux! *arty
Ellen wongs fine ass!

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