Friday, January 11, 2013


    Now this one got me writin'! In my gorequest I been rentin' movies like a madman and gettin' all kindsa SHIT! So I grabbed this SICK BOY movie because I red a good review on it and I watch these movies with a open mind and a good attitude because I wanna have a good time and cos' I have not gotten laid in almost 3 years and I can't get drunk since I'm on probation so I read comix and work on my zine and watch gore flix and SICK BOY was a BIG letdown! A real drag man! It's one of those horror movies that works (or is supposed to work) on a slow burn build up but SICK BOY did not achieve that with me. It's about a gal who is babysittin' a boy who has some unknown disease (guess what kind of disease it is) so she stays downstairs while the SICK BOY stays upstairs in his room all the time. The babysitter is not likeable , especially when she starts argueing with her dopey boyfriend and ESPECIALLY when she starts rapping and dancing to herself , lookin' in the mirror! That part sucked so bad!
    But the ending is good! These freakazoid ghoulish fux look fuckin' scary! I wish these zombies woulda been in a creepy , dark , foggy , atmospheric movie insteada this harsh light/daytime WB twenty something bitchfest contest. Upsetting that such cool lookin' zombies had to be in this. So watch the trailer or the last 15 minutes or watch the whole movie but just know that the first hour and ten minutes SUCK! -arty

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