Wednesday, January 30, 2013

War Of The Dead dvd review

    Man , there is a shitload of zombie movies coming out and there are about 4 , maybe 5 , Nazi zombie movies out now. Seems like DEAD SNOW was the first most recent one and started the trend and I thought WAR OF THE DEAD was pretty good. On the cover it says , "Like an episode of Band Of Brothers with zombies." , and on the back of the dvd box it reads , "Mixes slices of The Dirty Dozen with Day Of The Dead." Well , which DAY OF THE DEAD? The Romero one or the re-make? But it's like they're just cross naming movies to make WAR OF THE DEAD sound like it's some fantastic war/zombie movie. Here , I got one , " It's Saving Private Ryan meets Night Of The Living Dead. The original Night Of The Living Dead!" So it made me think WAR OF THE DEAD was gonna suck really bad but I thought it was pretty exciting. The movie looks good too ,it looks like it could have come out in theaters and WAR OF THE DEAD fall more on the side of action than horror and the makers of this film did it pretty good. The zombies are fast movers and they do eat human flesh but it's not gory , not really ,  but that did not bother me ; I got into the movie and it was a fun ride.  But it doesn't try to be cheezy , funny ; it's not a B-movie , it tries to be a serious movie and I think it succeeds for the most part and I would watch it again and I might buy it if I could find it for $8.00 or less. And it has a cool dvd cover that the movie lives up to. _arty

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