Friday, February 8, 2013

Review of Alter Egos: Sort Of.

    ' All Superheroes Must Die' is a dvd I picked up at walmart cos' my good buddy Luciano recommended it. And because I am a crazy comic book nerd , more insane than a trekkie , or a Star Wars geek , or anime fan ; now those people are real assholes , or any other freak you can think of. I am very knowledgeable about comic books even though I don't really buy the new ones but I do have a couple of dumptrucks worth of comics and I get a ton more from the library and now we've had alot of comicbook movies come out. It's weird being 37 yrs old and seeing all these comic book movies coming out. Movies that I would have went apeshit over when I was 12 or 13 and the fact that they finally made a Wolverine movie does not excite as much as re-reading his first 4 issue limited series from the 80's. But I am still interested in these movies so I grabbed this "ALL SUPERHEROES MUST DIE' and then I went to Blockbuster and they had this movie called "ALTER EGOS'. Hmm. So I rented it. and it kind of sucked but it was kind of cool only because I love comix so much. Kevin Smith had a hand in this release but "ALTER EGOS' pissed me off a tiny bit because the Superheroes kind of sucked. Sure they did have powers and their costumes were not completely lame but the two in the movie , Refridgerator and C-Thru were kind of jerks and they were not tough or very heroic , resourceful , or cool. Guys like Snake Pliskin  or 'Mad' Max Rockatansky would have eaten these guys's lunch! "ALTER EGOS' was more a comedy and I knew that but at least make the heroes badass. They were shitty heroes , the one , C-Thru had a utility belt but never used anything out of it and the Fridge guy was a little weasle type guy. And when I think about it ; and I am speculating here ,I think that the director is not a comic book fan and has no respect for comic books and I think he saw THE DARK KNIGHT , THE WATCHMEN  , and KICK-ASS and thought that a comic book movie wouldbe a good/easy genre to make a movie in and push his own agenda. I could be wrong. Probably not though. But it got me to rent this movie .  I saw "ALL SUPERHEROES MUST DIE' and I have also seen 'SUPER' and "DEFENDOR" and I will review 'ALL SUPERHEROES MUST DIE" soon. But only see ALTER EGOS if you a super comic book fan like me and dislike it. -Arty

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