Saturday, February 9, 2013

IRON SKY dvd review

I kept passing this up on my daily visits to Blockbuster but I red some good reviews so I grabbed it and , yes , it was good! For the way the dvd cover looks , the wacky premise and the fact that it looks like a Asylum or Syfy movie IRON SKY is really good and one of the better movies I have gotten from Blockbuster.
    There are Nazis on the moon! They went there at the end of WW2 to regroup , strengthen their forces and come back and take us over. Sounds pretty stupid but IRON SKY has alot going for it.
1) The cgi is really good , it looks better than 96% of the direct to dvd cgi I have seen and almost as good as most theatrical releases if not better.
2) All the Nazis actually speak German and it adds so much weight and reality to a movie that is not at all grounded in reality.
3) It's funny.....really , it is!
4) Julia Dietze is awkwardly attractive and super sweet as Renate Richter! And look at the pic of her in the bikini!

     5) IRON SKY has a really cool black dude in it.
    I would buy this movie if I could get it for under ten bucks and I will watch it again and shoe it to my friends. So glad they have some good , fun , entertaining movies at Blockbuster. -arty

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