Friday, February 22, 2013

FDR:American Badass!!!! monumental movie review!

    If I was going to do a top 10 movie list for the month of Febuary......and I might just do that now , FDR:American Badass would take up the whole list. I kept seeing this on my daily BLOCKBUSTER visit and kept dismissing it as garbage but then I saw the trailer for it and my interest was definately peaked so I grabbed it the next day. AND I THOUROUGHLY ENJOYED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked it so much that I am directly addressing these facebook friends and imploring you guys: Ray Santan , Fulgento Bava , DVD Ghoul , Kenneth Gallant , Bradley Bowles , Sartana Django , Derek Rivers , Mark Freudstein Jordan , Ken Storey , Fred Mckennon , Mark Wilson , Kyonsi Al , Mitchell A. Jones: YOU GUYS NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! Clear your calender , put it on your to do list , if ya got the netflix Q it up , or purchase it because it is worth a buy because it is that entertaining!!!!!!!
    Because it's about FDR fighting Werewolves during WW2! Barry Bostwick plays FDR and he is so funny and great in this and it has so many other good actors in here! 
yes , that is a squirrel in a mans ass!
 And if you know these names then also know that you will enjoy this movie! It's got Bruce McGill , Ray Wise as Douglas McArthur , Paul Ben Victor as Mussolini werewolf , even Kevin Sorbo as a pot smoking Abe Lincoln!!!! And even though FDR:American Badass is a outlandish slapstick comedy , almost completely nutso bizarro , the actors seem to take everything seriously and do their best to make their dialogue work and give good performances and it works. I watched it with two of my best friends and we laughed and had a great time viewing FDR: American Badass and if you give it a chance you too will be belly aching from all the laughing.

Evil Axis werewolves!

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