Tuesday, March 12, 2013

BugGiRL in San Antonio!?!% Gotta See 'em!$#

 Screaming out to all rockers , rollers , and headbangin' maniax everywhere but 'specially here in San Antonio cos' BugGirl is ridin' into town next week , wednesday March 20 and rippin' it up at a bar by the name of Boozehounds out on Perrin Beitel. So I am definitely cramming as many people as I can into my vehicle and cruisin' on over to check BugGirl out and buy as much merch as I can afford! Oh yeah , and another fierce trio of rockerz are comin' with them with the handle of SPEEDOZER! And both these bands have come a long ways to play Austin AND San Antonio and I think the least I can do as a music fan is spread the word and go see them.   But BugGirl dish out hardcore Rock N Roll , fast and furious like ZEKE , SPEEDEALER , and MOTORHEAD and the singer/guitarist has a great soaring , infectious voice that makes me feel right and good about listening to underground Rock N Roll! So I just wanna give all my facebook friends that live in San Antonio a heads up about this show so you at least know about it and decide if you wanna go. If you do go you can only have a good time , it's almost guaranteed! I downloaded their album 'Dirt In The Skirt' and will try and review it and post a blog about it as soon as I can but here is some more info about the band and the venue! -Arty

 8531 Perrin Beitel Rd
San Antonio, TX 78217- 4816
#(210) 590 - 3223


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