Tuesday, March 19, 2013

THURSDAY NITE THRASH ZONE: At The Korova March 21st , 2013

 I am the NEW head of Virgin Records AND Thalia is my beautiful trophy wife. Believe it , accept it , let me have my fantasy! So as the media mogul that I am I will be attending this Thursdays show to scout new talent. And we have alot of talent in San Antonio , alot of good bands , young bands that are hungry & thirsty ; that want to play Metal!~ TERRORIST , KULPRETT KOMMAND , INFERNAL DEATH & RIGHTEOUS KILL are playing ; all Texas bands and I think , most , if not all the openers are local San Antonio bands.
    And I m really digging the Thalia as my wife fantasy!

   Can't fathom waking up to her sweetness day after day! Dayum! 
As I write this I'm not even sure that any of the 3 openers have any recordings , or demos. I know they have youtube videos to check out but it will be really cool to see these bands in the early stages of their careers and just to be able to say , "Oh yeah I saw them when they were just starting out! Now they're on METAL BLADE!"
    And if you know Jaime , and if you go to Hogwild or to any local S.A. Thrash shows , then you know him and that he has done alot of good for the San Antonio Metal scene , putting on great shows and supporting local Metal acts , so we as Metalheadz should support Jaime and go to this show and all the other ones he puts on and show the rest of the U.S. and the whole world that San Antonio is still one of the best cities for Metal. Austin can have indie rock , and rockabilly , and reggae , ska (please austin take ska!) and all the other genres but Metal=San Antonio! And I know alot of friends have indeed supported Jaime and go to his shows but more people need to go.
    So thanx in advance to all the bands playing thursday and thanx to Jaime for making it all happen. I will be attending with my entourage of assistants , bodyguards , valets , and perhaps Thalia will attend if she is feeling up to it. Maybe.......mabye not. -arty Metola signing out!  

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