Thursday, December 20, 2012


Billy Idol had to have taken the title of his song from this movie. And the movie is pretty good. I got EYES WITHOUT A FACE from the library , and it is a good movie but I've seen so many extreme gore movies , along with so many other horror movies that EYES WITHOUT A FACE has lost it's shock value. But seeing it was a pleasant departure from all the modern horror I've seen lately and and it still has a strange atmosphere to it and it is from CRITERION so the dvd looks great!
    Watching it reminded me of ATOM AGE VAMPIRE which is not as artistic and revered as EYES...but is still alot of fun.
    So if you have not seen EYES WITHOUT A FACE wander on down to your local library and check it out. I'd even go as far to say that it is required viewing for any serious , anal retentive , movie watching.....nerd me. -arty 

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