Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Final (In) Justice of Joe Don Baker MST3K Style!

    ....And right now I wanna turn mommy into cold Joe Don can have something to snack on!I've seen the MST3K version of FINAL JUSTICE 2 and a half times now and it's jumped onto my list of top 10 favorite MST3K episodes faster than Joe Don on a German chocolate cake! And who is Joe Don Baker , or JDB as I'll be referring to him as in this review? Well, he's this gentleman you see above and actually a pretty decent actor whose come out in tons of movies , most notably GOLDENEYE and CAPE FEAR and he is a good memorable actor with a cool southern accent to boot. But Mike and the bots really rip into old JDB making fun of his weight , eating habits , (my favorite) , hygiene , the way he talks , almost everything about the man and it made me laugh so hard I almost couldn't breathe!
    I watched it by myself but then made my friend Matt and his brother Dom see it with me and they obliged me and they laughed right along with me at all the barbs and one liners aimed at poor old JDB! Which made the experience even better! We always have a good time watching movies together or reading comix or playing xbox , pretty much anything and this blog is about how much fun I have watching these movies with them as it is about the MST3K FINAL JUSTICE and I hope we view more of my favorite MST3K episodes together , (hint , hint) and next time I'll bring the snax guys! Grape soda?
    Oh yeah , FINAL JUSTICE. It's a action/cop/fish outta water story where JDB's character Deputy sheriff Geronimo , escorts a criminal back to Italy to hand him over to the Italian authorities but are waylaid in Malta where the badguy gets away and Geronimo has to catch him again while being a good ol' Texas boy stranger in a strange land. But really it's about the MST3K cast making fun of JDB and it is almost nonstop! Me Matt, and Dom were repeating the best ones to each other and even the ones not directed at JDB were laugh out loud worthy! And FINAL JUSTICE is worth seeing again! The end credit scene is also one of the funniest parts when Crow and Servo singalong with the theme songs but changing the lyrics and sing about JDB's huge appetite! One youtube comment said someone told JDB about the MST3K version of FINAL JUSTICE and he was non to  pleased about it and the cast of MST3K dreads the day they mean ol' JDB! that would be worth filming!  Arty

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