Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NIGHTBEAST movie review

    I've seen the light , now lets see the blood! Troma has uploaded all their movies onto youtube so we can watch them for free! Which is alot of Troma garbage but I know if I sift through the detritus that I could find a few chunks of cinema gold. Well , maybe not gold exactly. More like a nice chunk of copper or nickel in the shape of a arrowhead or a good skippin' stone. And one of those skippin' stones is NIGHTBEAST. Directed by Don Dohler (1949-2006 , R.I.P Don) and filmed in 1982.
    A alien crashlands in the backwoods of some small town and goes on a kill crazy rampage to find nourishment and the locals fight back. I think the alien creature looks pretty cool and he uses a lazer gun but he also tears peoples chests out with his razor sharp talons! There's a nudie flash here and there and the early 80's look and feel is great along with a decent amount of gore , the bad acting , which all adds up to a entertaining sci fi/horror exploitationer . I don't think NIGHTBEAST is a actual Troma made movie I guess they acquired the rights to it and released it on dvd because most Troma movies are not this good or fun. NIGHTBEAST isn't on the level of EVIL DEAD 2 , BRAINDEAD , or CREEPSHOW but it is worth checking out for free on youtube.

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