Monday, March 25, 2013

SPEEDOZER: Rockin' The Fuk Out In San antonio!!!!!!!!

Kevin On BASS!
    SPEEDOZER was a new band to me and I saw that they were coming to town with BugGiRL and that SPEEDOZER is from Belgium so I felt like this was going to be a really good show. And it was and SPEEDOZER kicked FUCKIN' ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was really lucky to catch them live and I talked to these three Belgian Rock N' Roll maniacs and I found out that not only was this their first visit to San Antonio but their first visit to the States!! And they were here , in San Antonio , to play a dive bar hole in the wall! I gave them some zines and the drummer/screamer Nico gave me a zine called HIGH HEEL SLUTS!! And this zine is great and a bit similar to my own zine!
    Then SPEEDOZER started playing. About 10 seconds into their set I looked back at my friend , Belen ,  and I could see that she was thinking what I was thinking. These SPEEDOZER guys are FUCKING AMAZING! 
Nico , thanx for the zine!
     These guys were born to make fast as fuck punk fuckin' RAWK AND ROLL!!! They crashed , bashed , rolled , and sped through their set like kill crazy sex starved , gasoline stealing road warriors without mercy or remorse , songs blurred and overlapped and the singer/guitarist Bart , rolled around on the floor and wailed away on his guitar like he was covered in fire ants or OD'ing on some exotic designer drug! But I think he was only high on the Rock and Roll emanating from his axe! They were badass and fed off each other and us and created a fun time vibe that pulled me in and made me an instant fan. And then they were done! What's fucked up is that me and my  friends were the only people there to see them , my friends Belen and Regina. The only people there to see some bands that flew across the world to play Rock And Roll here in San Antonio. The regular patrons of the bar didn't even care , the were a bunch of old dead asses anyway and most of them left when the bands went on and it got loud. But SPEEDOZER didn't care they played in front of the three of us like we were 3,000 mad dog fans and again , it was AWESOME!!
Madman Bart!
     The only other show that was this much fun for me was the first time I saw TOXIC HOLOCAUST and MIDNIGHT not too long back at the Korova but this was a fun show and I don't know what could top it. I do wish more of my friends had went and I hope SPEEDOZER comes back someday and that they play at THE MIX! That would be such a better venue for them here in San Antonio!

    So thanx to SPEEDOZER ; Nico , Kevin , Bart thanx for coming to town and playing such skull crunching Rock N' Roll cos' we loved every second of  it!!! And thanx to my good buddies , Belen & regina , who are some gorgeous galz by the way , for accompanying my ugly ass to the show and thank you Belen for driving ; we had so much fun that night! SPEEDOZER!!!!!!!!!!! *arty

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

THURSDAY NITE THRASH ZONE: At The Korova March 21st , 2013

 I am the NEW head of Virgin Records AND Thalia is my beautiful trophy wife. Believe it , accept it , let me have my fantasy! So as the media mogul that I am I will be attending this Thursdays show to scout new talent. And we have alot of talent in San Antonio , alot of good bands , young bands that are hungry & thirsty ; that want to play Metal!~ TERRORIST , KULPRETT KOMMAND , INFERNAL DEATH & RIGHTEOUS KILL are playing ; all Texas bands and I think , most , if not all the openers are local San Antonio bands.
    And I m really digging the Thalia as my wife fantasy!

BugGiRL - Dirt In The Skirt cd kicks it!

    The BugGiRL/SPEEDOZER show is tomorrow and I wanted to remind you about it and how badass both bands are. DIRT IN THE SKIRT is the album I downloaded. It's 10 tracks of down N' dirty , adrenaline boiling , good time Rock N' Roll. The sound is great , loud and clear and has a bite like a pissed off and VERY horny wildcat!! They fuckin' played a big ass party for that asshole Lemmy at his request and they are gonna be here tomorrow! Songtitles from DIRT IN THE SKIRT are: " Spread That Eagle" , "Hungry As Hell" , "Fat N Greasy" , and of course "Dirt In The Skirt". So you can yell out these songtitles at them even if you never hear 'em before.
    the have another album , Blood , Sweat , & Beers , and I hope they have it at the show along with shirts but remember Dirt In The Skirt kicks ass ; and really , it's a no brainer if you like underground Rock N Roll that's hard , fast , with a little punk influence  ; no puddle of mud , everclear , theory of a deadman bullshit corporate cock rock here. BugGiRL are straight up and hard and their music burns while it goes down the hatch but makes you feel good once it gets inside you. I actually think Nickelback is okay ,by the way. -arty

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

BugGiRL in San Antonio!?!% Gotta See 'em!$#

 Screaming out to all rockers , rollers , and headbangin' maniax everywhere but 'specially here in San Antonio cos' BugGirl is ridin' into town next week , wednesday March 20 and rippin' it up at a bar by the name of Boozehounds out on Perrin Beitel. So I am definitely cramming as many people as I can into my vehicle and cruisin' on over to check BugGirl out and buy as much merch as I can afford! Oh yeah , and another fierce trio of rockerz are comin' with them with the handle of SPEEDOZER! And both these bands have come a long ways to play Austin AND San Antonio and I think the least I can do as a music fan is spread the word and go see them.   But BugGirl dish out hardcore Rock N Roll , fast and furious like ZEKE , SPEEDEALER , and MOTORHEAD and the singer/guitarist has a great soaring , infectious voice that makes me feel right and good about listening to underground Rock N Roll! So I just wanna give all my facebook friends that live in San Antonio a heads up about this show so you at least know about it and decide if you wanna go. If you do go you can only have a good time , it's almost guaranteed! I downloaded their album 'Dirt In The Skirt' and will try and review it and post a blog about it as soon as I can but here is some more info about the band and the venue! -Arty